Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jonah's new obsession-using my camera!

He wanted to take shots of things in his room....he didn't do too bad!


My Life As I See It said...

Nice things in his room.
What about Anna's room?
Love her little leg warmers...... from yesterday's post.

You've been tagged...... go to my blog and read about it. said...

Well catching up and looking through the last couple of days... these are great!!! Those leg warmers are so so so cute!!! I love today's shots through Jonah's eyes!! It's definatly a different perspective!! Makes me want to move my DD's shelves and things down!!

Denise said...

Those leg warmers from yesterday are great!!!! I love that people are letting their kids use cameras, and that the kids want to. What a wonderful thing to start so early.

I tried to tag you, too, but I just saw that jax said she got you. Sorry! Please disregard mine!

Anonymous said...

He's doing great with the camera... maybe he'll be the next Ansel Adams.. and will owe it all to you for getting him started so young!

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Way to go Jonah! Maybe you could get him and Ann's K-Man together for a photography excursion! :-)